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The Broken Brain

Break your Brain and blow your mind! It's too interesting of a world to be bored. Take a look at culture through a psychological lens. Join a psychotherapist who is trying to discover more about creation, culture, and mental health. 

Jun 21, 2022

The Batman is the most recent cinematic forray into the world of ...well...the Batman. Sharon Blady is of course the perfect CoHost for an episode in which we take a look at this representation of Batman, which above all is a story of trying to discover hope in the face of loss, trauma, and pain. This episode also...

Jun 8, 2022

It's a Deep-Dive-Diagnosis-with-D episode. Exciting research is happening in the area of MDMA treatment for PTSD. Psychedelic drugs, such as MDMA, are being studied and are showing hopeful results towards significant reduction in Trauma symptoms. What does this mean? Where does it go from here? I'll share what...