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The Broken Brain

Break your Brain and blow your mind! It's too interesting of a world to be bored. Take a look at culture through a psychological lens. Join a psychotherapist who is trying to discover more about creation, culture, and mental health. 

Nov 8, 2021

Sydney Aronin is an entertainer, actor, screenwriter, and an individual who has been diagnosed with Autism & ADHD. She is starting the "How (Neuro)Typical" podcast, where she and a NeuroTypical (NT) individual will be talking, joking, and educating about the differences in the way they view the world. Follow her on Instagram @sydsvery. 

She joined me to discuss Autism, neurodiversity, the depiction of Autism in media, educational accomodations, and some more stuff. A fun and informative conversation, glad to share it with you. 

There is a bonus segment with Sydney available on the Patreon for subscribers, with the Do's & Don'ts of NTs and NDs living together. Go to to subscribe. ALSO, the first 5 people who share a link to this episode on Twitter will receive a copy of Temple Grandin's "The Autistic Brain."