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The Broken Brain

Break your Brain and blow your mind! It's too interesting of a world to be bored. Take a look at culture through a psychological lens. Join a psychotherapist who is trying to discover more about creation, culture, and mental health. 

Dec 19, 2023

Holiday times are a time of food, folks, and fun. They can also be times triggering for body issues, food concerns, and Eating Disorders. Some of these feelings make us unhappy, and at a certain level can even be life-threatening. 

Kwint & Gina Kemp are the cofounders of The Greator You, a coaching service for all aspects of health based in Positive Psychology and skill-building. With background in Physical Training and Psychotherapy, they share their wisdom with me today about non-restrictive eating, positive self-regard, and healthy acceptance. 

Enjoy your holiday and be emotionally and mentally healthy! You deserve it! 

You can learn more about Kwint and Gina's work at