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The Broken Brain

Break your Brain and blow your mind! It's too interesting of a world to be bored. Take a look at culture through a psychological lens. Join a psychotherapist who is trying to discover more about creation, culture, and mental health. 

Apr 26, 2023

Dr Paula Freedman, (@mindfuldrpaula on IG), is an expert in the areas of eating disorders, mindfulness, and intuitive eating. Her dynamic Instagram videos demonstrate real-world ways to apply mindfulness and develop a healthy relationship with food. Learn more about her work at 

Thank you to all...

Apr 15, 2023

Maurice F Martin (remember the F) is an Author, spiritual coach, and Addiction Counselor who specializes in healing from trauma and redirecting our strength from unhealthy to healthier coping skills, and building up our own healthy community. 
His books, "Save The Day," and "Your But Is Too Big," give principles he...